X learner
X Learner¶
There are various approaches to estimating the uplift
- Our aim will be to replicate the
(Two independent Model) approach to uplift modeling using onlysklearn
, the appoach itself is not implemented inscikit-uplift
so we need to realise it! - This is desired to show an understanding of what the approach actually involves, rather than using ready modules
! pip install scikit-uplift -U -qqq
System commands are not supported in Juno (yet)
Read Dataset¶
- We'll be using the
contains the treatment & target vectors. df_clients
contains moreclient_id
than treatment information, so we need to merge and keep only those clients for whom we have treatment data
and target
groups are:
- The
group contains clients not targeted (treatment_flg
= 0) - The
group contains clients targeted (treatment_flag
= 1)
import pandas as pd
df_clients = pd.read_csv('fetch_x5_clients.csv')
df_train = pd.read_csv('fetch_x5_train.csv')
client_id | first_issue_date | first_redeem_date | age | gender | |
0 | 000012768d | 2017-08-05 15:40:48 | 2018-01-04 19:30:07 | 45 | U |
1 | 000036f903 | 2017-04-10 13:54:23 | 2017-04-23 12:37:56 | 72 | F |
2 | 000048b7a6 | 2018-12-15 13:33:11 | NaN | 68 | F |
3 | 000073194a | 2017-05-23 12:56:14 | 2017-11-24 11:18:01 | 60 | F |
4 | 00007c7133 | 2017-05-22 16:17:08 | 2018-12-31 17:17:33 | 67 | U |
client_id | treatment_flg | target | |
0 | 000012768d | 0 | 1 |
1 | 000036f903 | 1 | 1 |
2 | 00010925a5 | 1 | 1 |
3 | 0001f552b0 | 1 | 1 |
4 | 00020e7b18 | 1 | 1 |
client_id 0 treatment_flg 0 target 0 dtype: int64 client_id 0 first_issue_date 0 first_redeem_date 35469 age 0 gender 0 dtype: int64
df_clients = df_clients.dropna()
(364693, 5)
df_features = df_train.merge(df_clients,on='client_id')
df_features.index = df_features['client_id']
del df_features['client_id']
treatment_flg | target | first_issue_date | first_redeem_date | age | gender | |
client_id | ||||||
000012768d | 0 | 1 | 2017-08-05 15:40:48 | 2018-01-04 19:30:07 | 45 | U |
000036f903 | 1 | 1 | 2017-04-10 13:54:23 | 2017-04-23 12:37:56 | 72 | F |
00010925a5 | 1 | 1 | 2018-07-24 16:21:29 | 2018-09-14 16:12:49 | 83 | U |
0001f552b0 | 1 | 1 | 2017-06-30 19:20:38 | 2018-08-28 12:59:45 | 33 | F |
00020e7b18 | 1 | 1 | 2017-11-27 11:41:45 | 2018-01-10 17:50:05 | 73 | U |
... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... |
fffd8c9d7d | 1 | 0 | 2018-02-20 13:40:04 | 2018-06-30 20:02:51 | 48 | F |
fffe0abb97 | 0 | 0 | 2017-11-27 08:56:54 | 2018-02-11 09:26:08 | 35 | F |
fffe0ed719 | 0 | 1 | 2017-09-15 08:53:24 | 2017-12-12 14:50:12 | 69 | U |
fffea1204c | 0 | 1 | 2018-01-31 16:59:37 | 2018-03-12 17:02:27 | 73 | F |
fffff6ce77 | 0 | 1 | 2017-08-03 20:25:12 | 2017-08-26 16:41:41 | 42 | U |
182493 rows × 6 columns
Feature Preparation¶
- We'll be using basic features, similar to the uplift notebook.
- We'll be using
so we'll need to convert categorical data into numeric.
from sklearn.preprocessing import LabelEncoder
encoder = LabelEncoder()
df_features['gender'] = encoder.fit_transform(df_features['gender'])
# feature extraction
df_features['first_issue_time'] = (pd.to_datetime(df_features['first_issue_date'])- pd.Timestamp('1970-01-01')) // pd.Timedelta('1s')
df_features['first_redeem_time'] = (pd.to_datetime(df_features['first_redeem_date']) - pd.Timestamp('1970-01-01')) // pd.Timedelta('1s')
df_features['issue_redeem_delay'] = df_features['first_redeem_time'] - df_features['first_issue_time']
df_features = df_features.drop(['first_issue_date', 'first_redeem_date'], axis=1)
treatment_flg | target | age | gender | first_issue_time | first_redeem_time | issue_redeem_delay | |
client_id | |||||||
000012768d | 0 | 1 | 45 | 2 | 1501947648 | 1515094207 | 13146559 |
000036f903 | 1 | 1 | 72 | 0 | 1491832463 | 1492951076 | 1118613 |
Train/Test Splitting¶
We split the dataset into two parts, we'll be evaluating the uplift
on training and the generalised set
Train / Test Splitting
y = "target"
T = "treatment_flg"
X = ["age","gender","first_issue_time","first_redeem_time","issue_redeem_delay"]
from sklearn.model_selection import train_test_split
rs = 47
train, test = train_test_split(df_features,
Target / Treatment Distribution¶
- In both dataset, lets check the distributions for target variable (outcome) and treatment vector (communication)
- We'll also check the balance between the two binary groups in each subset
print('train target ratio',round(train[y].mean(),3))
print('test target ratio',round(test[y].mean(),3))
train target ratio 0.645 test target ratio 0.644
Modeling Approach¶
About X-learner approach¶
The X-Learner has two stages
and a propensity score model
. The first one is identical to the T-learner.
First, we split the samples into treated and untreated and fit a ML model for the treated and for control.
$ \hat{M}_0(X) \approx E[Y| T=0, X] $
$ \hat{M}_1(X) \approx E[Y| T=1, X] $
For the second stage, we impute the treatment effect for the control and for the treated using the models above
$ \hat{\tau}(X, T=0) = \hat{M}_1(X, T=0) - Y_{T=0} $
$ \hat{\tau}(X, T=1) = Y_{T=1} - \hat{M}_0(X, T=1) $
Then, we fit two more models to predict those effects
$ \hat{M}_{\tau 0}(X) \approx E[\hat{\tau}(X)|T=0] $
$ \hat{M}_{\tau 1}(X) \approx E[\hat{\tau}(X)|T=1] $
Let $\hat{e}(x)$ be the propensity score model , we can combine the two second stage models as follows to get the uplift
$ \hat{\tau(x)} = \hat{M}_{\tau 0}(X)\hat{e}(x) + \hat{M}_{\tau 1}(X)(1-\hat{e}(x)) $
For the propensity score model, we'll be using
# lets use gradient boosting
from sklearn.ensemble import GradientBoostingClassifier, GradientBoostingRegressor
from sklearn.linear_model import LogisticRegression
# metrics used for uplift evaluation
from sklift.viz import plot_qini_curve
from sklift.metrics import uplift_at_k
(1) Training Initial models¶
First we train separate models for:
- control group
(treatment_flg = 0) - target group
(treatment_flg = 1)
Then we train the propensity score model g
on the entire training dataset
mu0 = GradientBoostingRegressor() # control group model
mu1 = GradientBoostingRegressor() # target group model
g = LogisticRegression() # propensity score model
mu0.fit(train.query(f"{T}==0")[X],train.query(f"{T}==0")[y]) # control group model
mu1.fit(train.query(f"{T}==1")[X],train.query(f"{T}==1")[y]) # target group model
LogisticRegression()In a Jupyter environment, please rerun this cell to show the HTML representation or trust the notebook.
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(2) Corrected labels for control and target¶
and CATE1
targets for the control & target groups
import numpy as np
# corrected labels for 2nd group of models
d_train = np.where(train[T] == 0,
mu1.predict(train[X]) - train[y],
train[y] - mu0.predict(train[X]))
(3) Newly Adjusted Model Training¶
Using the adjusted target variables ( for both the target and control groups, we train the main models
mx0 = GradientBoostingRegressor() # control group model (updated control)
mx1 = GradientBoostingRegressor() # target group model (updated target)
GradientBoostingRegressor()In a Jupyter environment, please rerun this cell to show the HTML representation or trust the notebook.
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def ps(df,t):
return g.predict_proba(df[X])[:,t]
# CATE on train & test subsets
uplift_train = ps(train,0) * mx0.predict(train[X]) + (1 - ps(train,1)) * mx1.predict(train[X])
uplift_test = ps(test,0) * mx0.predict(test[X]) + (1 - ps(test,1)) * mx1.predict(test[X])
Metric Evaluation¶
Uplift @k metric¶
We can now evaluate the metric uplift_at_k
- In the context of uplift modeling,
refers to the estimated incremental effect (or uplift) of a treatment when targeting the top $ k $ percent of a population based on their predicted uplift scores. by_group
: sort by uplift within each percentile
# uplift @k metric on training dataset
ct_score_train = uplift_at_k(y_true=train[y],
strategy='by_group', k=0.1)
# uplift @k metric on test dataset
ct_score_test = uplift_at_k(y_true=test[y],
strategy='by_group', k=0.1)
print('train uplift @k=10%',round(ct_score_train,3))
print('test set uplift @k=10%',round(ct_score_test,3))
train uplift @k=10% 0.142 test set uplift @k=10% 0.054
qini curve¶
- Cumulative Uplift: The Qini curve plots cumulative uplift against the proportion of the population targeted. It shows how much additional benefit is gained by applying the treatment to different segments of the population, ranked by their predicted uplift scores.
How to Interpret the Qini Curve:
The x-axis represents the proportion of the population targeted (from 0% to 100%). The y-axis represents the cumulative uplift achieved.
Curve Shape
A steeper curve indicates that the model is effectively identifying individuals who will respond positively to the treatment, resulting in higher cumulative uplift. If the Qini curve lies above the diagonal line (which represents random targeting), it indicates that the model is performing better than random selection.
Area Under the Qini Curve (AUC)
The area between the Qini curve and the diagonal line quantifies the model's effectiveness. A larger area indicates better performance in identifying individuals who will benefit from the treatment.
<sklift.viz.base.UpliftCurveDisplay at 0x14f974580>
<sklift.viz.base.UpliftCurveDisplay at 0x150eb7220>