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December, 2023

PySpark Daily Summary II

Continuing on where we left off last post, I'll be exploring pypspark on a daily basis, just to get more used to it. Here I will be posting summaries that cover roughtly 10 days worth of posts that I make on Kaggle, so that would equate to three posts a month

PySpark Daily Summary I

Something I decided would be fun to do on a daily basis; write pyspark code everyday and post about it, this is mainly because I don't use it as often as I would like, so this is my motivation. If you too want to join in, just fork the notebook (on Kaggle) and practice various pyspark codings everyday! Visit my telegram channel if you have any questions or just post them here!

Here I will be posting summaries that cover roughtly 10 days worth of posts that I make on Kaggle, so that would equate to three posts a month