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About Me!

My name is Andrey!

I'm a Big Data Analyst in IT/Bank. I have worked on a number of interesting projects over the years, these days my interest is shifting to the integration of machine & deep learning solution in a variety of fields. I'm also quite fond of bioinformatics[^1] & biomimicry related subjects and absolute love NLP. I am very fascinated my modern NLP related and Deep Learning Technology, which is why this is a big interest of mine nowerdays!


Here's a brief summary:

  • Aerospace Engineering from Tohoku University (graduate)
  • Worked on Meshless methodology for discretisation & high order interpolation methods (ML approach)
  • Also worked on Synthetic Turbulence methodolgy as part of JAXA project, in particular integration of divergence free properties for SEM & its use in aeroacoutics
  • Introduced biomimicry approach for vehicle aerodynamic optimisation/reverse engineering optimisation
  • Specialise in Computation Fluid Dynamics & Aeroacoustics
  • My interest has taken me into the financial sector, where I currently work with Big Data, helping the business side of things which I really enjoy doing.

Data Science Library Stack

I use a variety of tools for different purposes, here are some of my favourite tools used for data analysis, machine learning, deep learning and NLP applications

Python related libraries I like to use:

  • Data exploration (pandas,pyspark,scipy,statsmodels)
  • Data visualisation (matplotlib,seaborn,plotly)
  • ML (sklearn,pyspark)
  • DL (pytorch)
  • NLP (natasha,pymophy,pymystem3,re,gensim,spacy,nltk)

Kaggle & GitHub

I'm quite active on Kaggle, or at least I try to be, I'm always trying to improve my data science & machine learning skills, so kaggle is the place to be! I really enjoy being a part of this community, it has taught me so many thing & allows me to interact with people from all over the world with similar interests, which is awesome!

If you would like to collaborate on a machine leaning project (mainly people new to the field), please contact me on telegram! shtrauss2


I have found NLP in particular to be one of the more fascinating parts of data science, so I have created a project mllibs which utilises NLP for code automation, I enjoy working with people who take part in this project, so if you would like to contribute please let me know!


I started a telegram channel in which I post various things about data science that interest me. I often post about pyspark, trying to improve my knowledge in this field, as it is an important tool in big data. I also post article content on my blog as well, please join if that interests you!


I have a lot of hobbies, mostly digital art & photography

I also love to watch The Blacklist, TBBT, Everybody Loves Raymond and Formula 1