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Neural Collaborative Filtering

In this post we'll cover some of the basics of recommendation system approaches utilising neural networks.

  • Collaborative filtering (CF) is a recommendation generation method that relies on user-item interactions to make predictions about what a user might like based on the historical data of user interaction with the item.

  • We covered collaborative filtration using matrix factorisation is the notebook.

  • Specifically we looked at methods such as SVD in order to generate the user and item matrices, these two matrices are then multiplied together to get the corresponding scores for each user, item pairing; a model-based approach.

  • Neural Collaborative Filtering (NCF) bears some similarity to CF whilst leveraging the benefits of deep learning techniques to enhance recommendation performance.



  • Our aim is to create a neural network that will be able to generate recommendations for users, based on their previous interactions with a product.
  • We will be using a dataset of movies with which users have explicitly interacted, having set ratings for movies
  • Ultimately, we aim to replicate the network proposed in article


Here's what we will be doing in this post:

  • We'll be using the dataset ML-1M, the dataset has been uploaded to Kaggle
  • We'll be coding the Neural Collaborative Filtering Model from the article using PyTorch
  • We'll also train the model(s) on the training dataset (positive samples) and we will need to create some negative samples as well (for the training set). To replicate the author results, we'll use the provided negative samples (for the test set)
  • The problem will be formulated as a Binary Classification problem (similar to the DSSM notebook), positive samples (user has interacted with item) (label 1) and negative samples (user hasn't interacted) (label 0), so the model will learn to differentiate between interacted and not interacted, generating the embedding features, which will be used to generate scores.
  • We'll be evaluating the models using common recommendation evaluation metrics HR and NDCG, on the test dataset
  • Finally we'll compare the results to the article results

Modeling Approaches

Problem definition

We will setup the the problem as a binary classification problem:

  • We define positive samples for user, item combinations that exist, which implies that the user has rated the item (film in this case)
  • Negative samples will need to be generated for user, item combinations which do not currently exist in the dataset
  • Merging these two subset, we aim to create a model that will be able to predict whether a user has watched the movie or not
  • The test set is a continuation of train, containing only the latest watched item by the user, and 99 items the user didn't watch (negative sample)

NeuMF model variations

The most important part is probably the neural network itself, lets examine what is contains. Based on the article, three different approaches are mentioned:

  • MLP (Multilayer Perceptron)
  • GMF (Generalised Matrix Factorisation)
  • NeuMF (Combination of Both)

We can visualise all three models in one figure, comments are added below the figure.

  • The left side of the figure show the GMF model. It only contains the embedding layers of both user & items, the element wise product is then taken for the user and item vectors and output is fed into the linear layer
  • The right side of the figure shows the MLP model, it starts with the embedding layers for both the user & items, followed by the linear layers together with dropout/activation functions

The NeuMF model contains both of these parts. They need to be concatenated together before been fed into the output linear layer

Define network layers

So we have a general overiew of how the neural network should look like, next using PyTorch, we'll put it into realisation. The model is essentially formed using two parts, embedding layers and Sequential segment.

Embedding Layers

First we need to define the embedding layers

  • For layers which will connect with the Sequential MLP layers, we need to make sure the input size of the embedding layer matches the input of the Sequential layer
  • For all layers we need to define user_num (number of users), item_num (number of items) and factor_num (number of factors)
  • If we are using the MLP model, then we need to define how many layers will be used in the Sequential part of the model.
self.embed_user_GMF = nn.Embedding(user_num, factor_num) # LHS embedding matrix of user
self.embed_item_GMF = nn.Embedding(item_num, factor_num) # LHS embedding matrix of items
self.embed_user_MLP = nn.Embedding(
        user_num, factor_num * (2 ** (num_layers - 1)))  # RHS embedding matrix of users to be connected to Sequential
self.embed_item_MLP = nn.Embedding(
        item_num, factor_num * (2 ** (num_layers - 1)))  # RHS embedding matrix of items to be connected to Sequential

Sequential Layers

We also need the Sequential part of the model:

  • input_size for each layer is defined in a way that will allow us to setup multiple segments of the MLP section.
  • The MLP sequential section contains a dropout layer, a linear layer and a ReLU activation function.
MLP_modules = []
for i in range(num_layers):
    input_size = factor_num * (2 ** (num_layers - i))
    MLP_modules.append(nn.Linear(input_size, input_size//2))
self.MLP_layers = nn.Sequential(*MLP_modules)

Output layer

Finally we need to define the output linear layer. The

self.predict_layer = nn.Linear(predict_size, 1)

Initialised layers

Having defined the layers of the neural network. Lets see how the layers will look after they have been initialised using a factor_num of 16.

(embed_user_MLP): Embedding(6040, 64)
(embed_item_MLP): Embedding(3706, 64)
(MLP_layers): Sequential(
    (0): Dropout(p=0.0, inplace=False)
    (1): Linear(in_features=128, out_features=64, bias=True)
    (2): ReLU()
    (3): Dropout(p=0.0, inplace=False)
    (4): Linear(in_features=64, out_features=32, bias=True)
    (5): ReLU()
    (6): Dropout(p=0.0, inplace=False)
    (7): Linear(in_features=32, out_features=16, bias=True)
    (8): ReLU()
(predict_layer): Linear(in_features=16, out_features=1, bias=True)
(embed_user_GMF): Embedding(6040, 16)
(embed_item_GMF): Embedding(3706, 16)
(predict_layer): Linear(in_features=16, out_features=1, bias=True)
(embed_user_GMF): Embedding(6040, 16)
(embed_item_GMF): Embedding(3706, 16)
(embed_user_MLP): Embedding(6040, 64)
(embed_item_MLP): Embedding(3706, 64)
(MLP_layers): Sequential(
    (0): Dropout(p=0.0, inplace=False)
    (1): Linear(in_features=128, out_features=64, bias=True)
    (2): ReLU()
    (3): Dropout(p=0.0, inplace=False)
    (4): Linear(in_features=64, out_features=32, bias=True)
    (5): ReLU()
    (6): Dropout(p=0.0, inplace=False)
    (7): Linear(in_features=32, out_features=16, bias=True)
    (8): ReLU()
(predict_layer): Linear(in_features=16, out_features=1, bias=True)

Forward method

Now lets define what will be part of the forward pass operation

  • The forward pass operation contains a logical selection condition based on the model that is chosen
  • The only part not yet shown is the concatenation of the two segments GMF and MLP, it is defined by the following line
concat =, output_MLP), -1)

And the forward method itself:

def forward(self, user, item):

    # if not MLP (GMF/NeuMF)
    if not self.model == 'MLP':
        embed_user_GMF = self.embed_user_GMF(user)
        embed_item_GMF = self.embed_item_GMF(item)
        output_GMF = embed_user_GMF * embed_item_GMF

    # if not GMF (MLP/NeuMF)
    if not self.model == 'GMF':
        embed_user_MLP = self.embed_user_MLP(user)
        embed_item_MLP = self.embed_item_MLP(item)
        interaction =, embed_item_MLP), -1)
        output_MLP = self.MLP_layers(interaction)

    # concatinate matrices
    if self.model == 'GMF':
        concat = output_GMF
    elif self.model == 'MLP':
        concat = output_MLP
        concat =, output_MLP), -1)

    prediction = self.predict_layer(concat)
    return prediction.view(-1)

The Dataset

Load dataset

As mentioned we will be using the ML-1M dataset, the dataset contains thee main columns, user, item and its set rating.

  • The data has been normalised, meaning the user and item values correspond to a mapped value, which differs from the original dataset.
  • In the snippet below we load the training data, which is in the form of user_id, item_id, these are our positive samples (we know the user has interacted with the item)
  • The data is then converted into a sparse matrix of size (user_num, item_num). For each user/item combination that exists we set a 1 and where it doesn't 0, effectively just creating a matrix which specifies whether the user has interacted with the item or not. This matrix will be used in the torch dataset when creating negative samples
  • The test dataset has some extra steps; the dataset we are reading contains one positive sample and 99 negative samples, giving us 100 samples per user
  • As mentioned before, the test set will be used for metric evaluation (hr & ndcg)
def load_all():

    # load training dataset
    train_data = pd.read_csv(
        sep='\t', header=None, names=['user', 'item'], 
        usecols=[0, 1], dtype={0: np.int32, 1: np.int32})

    user_num = train_data['user'].max() + 1
    item_num = train_data['item'].max() + 1

    train_data = train_data.values.tolist()

    # load ratings as a sparse matrix
    train_mat = sp.dok_matrix((user_num, item_num), dtype=np.float32)
    for x in train_data:
        train_mat[x[0], x[1]] = 1.0

    # load test dataset
    test_data = []
    with open(config.test_negative, 'r') as fd:
        line = fd.readline()
        while line != None and line != '':
            arr = line.split('\t')
            u = eval(arr[0])[0]
            test_data.append([u, eval(arr[0])[1]])
            for i in arr[1:]:
                test_data.append([u, int(i)])
            line = fd.readline()

Create torch dataset

Since we are using PyTorch, we need to create a torch compatible dataset & data loader

  • The torch dataset is where the features to be fed into the model are actually generated
  • The class NFCData inputs the user, item pairs data, from load_all. These pairs are set positive labels, 1
  • In addition to these positive pairs we generate a specific number of negative samples num_ng for each user.
  • These negative samples make it into the data frame on the condition:

    • A number is generated between 1 and the maximum item number
    • If the combination (user,item) exists in the positive samples, we generate another number as above. These negative samples will have labels 0.
  • So we have a dataset of positive samples (user has watched) and negative samples (user hasn't watched)

  • Finally we add the special method __getitem__, which is used to get the data, when needed tracing the model.
class NCFData(data.Dataset):

    def __init__(self, features, 
                num_item, train_mat=None, num_ng=0, is_training=None):
        super(NCFData, self).__init__()

        self.features_ps = features
        self.num_item = num_item
        self.train_mat = train_mat
        self.num_ng = num_ng
        self.is_training = is_training

        # default label for both train/test
        # replaced if train
        self.labels = [0 for _ in range(len(features))]

    def ng_sample(self):


        Adjust input data (features & label)


        assert self.is_training, 'no need to sampling when testing'

        self.features_ng = []
        for x in self.features_ps:
            u = x[0]
            for t in range(self.num_ng):
                j = np.random.randint(self.num_item)
                while (u, j) in self.train_mat:
                    j = np.random.randint(self.num_item)
                self.features_ng.append([u, j])

        labels_ps = [1 for _ in range(len(self.features_ps))]
        labels_ng = [0 for _ in range(len(self.features_ng))]

        self.features_fill = self.features_ps + self.features_ng
        self.labels_fill = labels_ps + labels_ng

    def __len__(self):
        return (self.num_ng + 1) * len(self.labels)

    def __getitem__(self, idx):


        Get item (user,item,label)


        features = self.features_fill if self.is_training \
                    else self.features_ps
        labels = self.labels_fill if self.is_training \
                    else self.labels

        user = features[idx][0]
        item = features[idx][1]
        label = labels[idx]
        return user, item ,label

Model Preparation

Global parameters

  • We will be using a factor number of 32 dimensions
  • And 4 negative samples num_ng are added per positive sample (maximum) for the training dataset
  • The test dataset contains 99 negative samples already generated for us, so we define test_num_ng to 99
  • 20 iterations should be enough to get a picture of how well the models perform
  • The selected model needs to be explicitly defined in Config as an input parameter

The other parameters are defined as following:

class Config:

    model : str
    batch_size : int = 256  # training group size 
    factor_num : int = 32   # number of dimensions for user,item matrix
    num_layers : int = 3    # number of MLP layer groups
    test_num_ng : int = 99
    num_ng : int = 4         # number of negative samples for each user 
    dropout : float = 0.0    # dropout percentage in MLP
    lr : float = 0.001       # model learning rate
    epochs : int = 20        # number of iterations 
    top_k = 10               # top k recommendations 

config = Config(model='GMF')

Evaluation model parameters

During training, the model outputs logits (prediction). The loss function inputs these logits and binary labels (1/0) into the loss evaluation.

prediction = model(user, item)
loss = loss_function(prediction, label)

We also need to define how we will interpret the model performance. Two metrics will be monitored hr and ndcg. The function metrics calculates these metrics; once the predictions are made for the batch (100 items) for each user, the positive sample is selected, and we also have our list of predictions recommendations from both of these we can determine these two metrics.

# hitrate 
def hit(gt_item, pred_items):
    if gt_item in pred_items:
        return 1
    return 0

# ndcg 
def ndcg(gt_item, pred_items):    
    if gt_item in pred_items:
        index = pred_items.index(gt_item)
        return np.reciprocal(np.log2(index+2))
    return 0

def metrics(model, test_loader, top_k):

    HR, NDCG = [], []
    for user, item, label in test_loader:

        user = user.cuda()
        item = item.cuda()

        predictions = model(user, item)
        _, indices = torch.topk(predictions, top_k)
        recommends = torch.take(
                item, indices).cpu().numpy().tolist()
        gt_item = item[0].item() # get positive sample only

        hitval = hit(gt_item, recommends)
        ngcgval = ndcg(gt_item, recommends)


    return np.mean(HR), np.mean(NDCG)

Model settings

Our labels contain two classes, so we'll use BCE. Effectively, we are doing binary classification. As for the optimiser, Adam will be used. A learning rate of 0.001 is used in all models.

model = NCF(user_num, 

loss_function = nn.BCEWithLogitsLoss()
optimizer = optim.Adam(model.parameters(),

Training Loop

The training and evaluation loop is quite straightforward; we loop through all batches, for a predetermined number of iterations, evaluating the loss function and updating the model hyper parameters. Only then we evaluate the desired user metrics on the test set. One thing to note is that each iteration negative samples are generated for training.

count, best_hr = 0, 0
for epoch in range(config.epochs):
    start_time = time.time()
    train_loader.dataset.ng_sample() # generate negative samples

    for user, item, label in train_loader:
        user = user.cuda()
        item = item.cuda()
        label = label.float().cuda()

        prediction = model(user, item)
        loss = loss_function(prediction, label)
        count += 1

    HR, NDCG = metrics(model, test_loader, config.top_k)

    elapsed_time = time.time() - start_time
    print("The time elapse of epoch {:03d}".format(epoch) + " is: " + 
            time.strftime("%H: %M: %S", time.gmtime(elapsed_time)))
    print("HR: {:.3f}\tNDCG: {:.3f}".format(np.mean(HR), np.mean(NDCG)))

    if HR > best_hr:
        best_hr, best_ndcg, best_epoch = HR, NDCG, epoch
        if config.out:
            if not os.path.exists(config.model_path):
                '{}{}.pth'.format(config.model_path, config.model))

print("End. Best epoch {:03d}: HR = {:.3f}, NDCG = {:.3f}".format(
                                    best_epoch, best_hr, best_ndcg))


Finally let's compare the results of the three approaches. You can run your own code using the provided notebook and dataset

Training results


The time elapse of epoch 018 is: 00: 01: 55 HR: 0.678   NDCG: 0.414
The time elapse of epoch 019 is: 00: 01: 53 HR: 0.669   NDCG: 0.408
End. Best epoch 013: HR = 0.696, NDCG = 0.420


The time elapse of epoch 018 is: 00: 01: 42 HR: 0.703   NDCG: 0.424
The time elapse of epoch 019 is: 00: 01: 41 HR: 0.703   NDCG: 0.426
End. Best epoch 016: HR = 0.709, NDCG = 0.427


The time elapse of epoch 018 is: 00: 01: 59 HR: 0.681   NDCG: 0.414
The time elapse of epoch 019 is: 00: 01: 59 HR: 0.676   NDCG: 0.407
End. Best epoch 005: HR = 0.702, NDCG = 0.425

Compare results

Both GMF and NeuMF have quite similar results, showing better metric performance than MLP. This probably implies that GMF alone is a good model, utilising the sequential layers in our model doesn't really change the result too much. Nevertheless a slight metric improvement was achieved using NeuMF.

Original author metric results

Models MovieLens HR@10 MovieLens NDCG@10 Pinterest HR@10 Pinterest NDCG@10
MLP 0.696 0.420 - -
GMF 0.709 0.427 - -
NeuMF (without pre-training) 0.702 0.425 - -
NeuMF (with pre-training) - - - -

The authors of the paper show that one of the largest benefits of using a neural approach is the reutilisation of embedding matrices. Utilising the original authors code a substantial improvement was possible as shown below:

Our model metric results

Models MovieLens HR@10 MovieLens NDCG@10 Pinterest HR@10 Pinterest NDCG@10
MLP 0.692 0.425 0.868 0.542
GMF - - - -
NeuMF (without pre-training) 0.701 0.425 0.870 0.549
NeuMF (with pre-training) 0.726 0.445 0.879 0.555

If we look at the metrics, we can observe that the model has both good relevant item prediction capability (hitrate) and its order of prediction/ranking (ndcg) on the entire dataset of unseen data.